WOLFECHELLA 2024 is three days of incredible music at Hotel Wolfe Island! $25 per day pass and only $50 for a full weekend pass! Check back right here in the coming weeks for more info about the weekend’s artists and events.
Advance Ticket sales have now ended. Tickets available at the show!
SHUTTLE BUSES: available daily to and from the hotel until 7PM. Additional, late night, shuttles from the hotel to the midnight ferry will be provided on Friday and Saturday nights!
Here’s the incredible lineup we’ve got in store for you this year…
DAY ONE: Friday, July 19th
Wolfe Island Records Presents…
8pm The Get Alongs
10pm Queer Karaoke hosted by James from the WIPP!
DAY TWO: Saturday, July 20th
Slow Dance presents “A MID SUMMER NIGHT’S DANCE PARTY” featuring DJs…
DJ Espresso
Moon Hymns
Chris Rickerink
Maria Taifour
Raf Reza
from 5pm until midnight! DJs every hour – don’t miss any of these performances!
DAY THREE: Sunday, July 21st
A Lakeside Wind Down featuring…
1pm Surprise guest reggae DJs
2:30pm Potions: Ben Rositan’s Free Jazz Freakers
3:30pm Meagan Aversa & Corbin Giroux