Heather Haynes Art Exhibition
Showing collection of work including The Wall of Courage, The Common Thread, Tug of War and many more pivotal pieces.
Inspired by travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, renowned local artist Heather Haynes‘ work took on a whole new trajectory, and this March, Haynes’ bold, colourful, and emotionally resonant large canvases will be displayed throughout the entire hotel.
On March 8th, Heather will be hosting a fundraiser in celebration of International Women’s Day, featuring live music and a screening of her short documentary, The Common Thread.
Drop by the Hotel afternoons and evenings that we’re open (Wednesdays to Saturdays) and immerse yourself in these amazing works!
About Heather Haynes
Heather Haynes is an internationally known artist who has been painting professionally for 27 years. In 2005 her work was brought into galleries across Canada, The United States and The United Kingdom. She painted feverishly to keep up with the demand to supply these galleries for several years. In 2012 Heather opened her own gallery – Heather Haynes Gallery – in order to expand on the work she exhibits to the public.
In 2008 Heather took a trip to Uganda, Africa to perform humanitarian work in the effort to eradicate malaria. Ever since she set foot on the African soil, her heart was won over by the environment and the people. She continued to travel to different countries in Africa, specifically Tanzania and Democratic Republic of Congo.
She has found herself working with local leaders that want to help bring up their communities and reduce the impoverished situations faced by so many. Heather has inspired and influenced many North Americans to join in on the effort to help some of the world’s most vulnerable people.
Due to Heather’s extensive travels in DR Congo and Tanzania, her artwork has been deeply influenced, featuring portraits of African women and children. Heather had wanted to portray the people she met in her art, and so developed a mixed media technique that has been very successful. The work is generally non political, but is more about portraying life in sometimes overwhelming odds – and coming through the other side, stronger for your efforts.
In 2013 Heather began an art project that shone a light on some of the worlds most vulnerable people. In 2016 she completed this 3 year journey by finishing her masterpiece, “Wall of Courage”, a depiction of 80 orphaned Congolese children. The piece measures 40 feet wide by 12 feet high. Wall of Courage tours, and is raising awareness around the atrocities and injustices that occur to this day, in parts of the world.